Dmitry's Q2 2024 Update

Jul 12, 2024

In the second quarter of 2024 implementing direct parsing for Boost.JSON has finally been completed. Direct serialisation will support all the same types as direct parsing, including recently-added std::path. After this addition, Boost.JSON’s set of conversion features is almost full. The only missing part is the ability to use a sort of temporary proxy type for conversion. E.g. converting from user type to std::string, then converting the string to JSON string. This is not strictly needed for value_to/from set of functions, as you can always fully customise their behaviour by extending them. But it can be very useful for direct parsing, as it allows using an ancillary type that matches the structure of the JSON, and can convert to/from the intended user type.

A little more than a year ago it was argued in a Boost.JSON issue that object::if_contains should return optional<value&> rather than value*. I have experimented with that, but also went on to research whether there are any projects on GitHub that would be broken due to such change. Turns out there’s a lot of such projects. Which is why I decided against that change. But on the other hand, there are some benefits to having non-throwing accessors that communicate their inability to produce a value in their return value. And it’s better to use a single kind of type for this. There is in fact an ideal candidate for such return type: boost::system::result. And in fact Boost.URL is using it in its return types extensively, eschewing the classic dual API approach (where one overload throws, and another overload uses an error_code& out parameter). If I could turn back time, I would have replaced the out-parameter overloads with ones returning boost::system::result. But as that would be way too significant API change now, I instead added those accessors, giving them try_ prefix (modelled after the already existing try_value_to). As a tangentially-related change, I added a defaulted source_location parameter to throwing accessor functions. This is a small quality of life improvement, that (if supported by the compiler) stores the location of the call site in the exception. The result is that the exception stores both the line where the user calls a Boost.JSON function, and (inside the error_code) the line where the error state was originally reached. This information should greatly simplify investigating issues that occur when using the library.

A significant amount of time these past few months was occupied by a somewhat new project: Python-based reimplementation of Docca. Docca is a set of XSLT stylesheets that converts Doxygen XML output into an API reference written in Quickbook markup language. Unfortunately, XSLT is both rather obscure, and rather cryptic, which results in difficulty fixing its bugs. As my frustrations piled up, I decided to write a new tool that would essentially do the same job, but in a more popular language, and designed for higher genericity. I chose Python for implementation largely due to its Jinja text template engine (another reason is Python’s availability on virtually all platforms).

The core of the design is operating in two steps: 1) collecting data from Doxygen XML output, organising it in a usable way, and sometimes even fixing Doxygen’s warts and 2) generating output using Jinja. This kind of model/view separation isn’t just philosophically more pleasant, but also makes the tool more generally useful. As previously mentioned Docca produces a specific style of API reference written in Quickbook. But this new implementation can use a different Jinja template to produce a different style of API reference: e.g. using another approach to sectioning, or having all overloads on one page a-la Cppreference. It can also produce output in an entirely different format, and I intend to take advantage of that in order to switch Boost.JSON’s documentation to Asciidoc. I am also experimenting with running the tool an additional time to generate “macros” that expand into links to documented entities and could be used in the narrative documentation that precedes the reference.

On the opposite side of this two phase arrangement is the ability to add alternative data collection algorithms. While currently Doxygen reigns supreme in the field of collecting documentation comments from C++ sources, there is a very ambitious project from the C++ Alliance called Mr. Docs. As soon as it reaches enough maturity, a new data collector could be added to Docca.

And finally, I wanted to tell about some changes I’ve contributed to Boost’s build infrastructure, but I need to start from a far. The build system officially supported by Boost is called b2 (formally known as Boost.Build). Unlike most modern build systems it doesn’t use the 2 step configure-build approach championed by Autotools, and instead does the whole build by itself. As a result, it’s a fully multi-config build system, that is a single invocation of the build system can request targets built with different values for particular property, resulting in building of multiple variations of those targets. For example, you can request a target to be built by different compilers, targeting different OSes and architectures, using different C++ standards and dialects, and so on. b2 would calculate the Cartesian product of all requested options, and create the resulting binaries for each of the variations. For historical reasons, there was no good support for this multi-config paradigm with installation. install targets explicitly specified their intended installation location, which resulted in build errors if a multi-config installation was attempted. The issue wasn’t fundamental to the build system, and Boost had employed a particular mitigation to that issue. But I wasn’t satisfied with the status quo, so a few years ago I added explicit support for named installation directories to the install rule, with those directories’ configuration being a part of the build variation. After the change a project could do something like

exe app : app.cpp ; # executable target app
install install : app : <location>(bindir) ; # install target install

And then with b2 install-prefix=/usr/local install app into /usr/local/bin, and with b2 install-prefix=/opt/myapp install app into /opt/myapp/bin. You could then go with a conditional property configuration, where e.g. target OS a implies location 1, and OS b requires location 2, and so on.

The feature did require changing build scripts, and so at the time Boost remained with the set up it already had. But this spring, inspired by other needs I finally got around to changing Boost.Install (an ancillary project used by Boost’s build scripts) to use this functionality. One thing led to another, and now not only users can configure per-config installation directories, but finally Boost has staging directory support via staging-prefix. E.g. b2 --prefix=/opt/Boost/ staging-prefix=/var/tmp/1 installs into /var/tmp/1, but files are created with the intention to be later moved to /opt/Boost/.

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